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MCPS Fine Arts Office

We open the minds of students to new worlds and cultures and enable them to creatively express themselves and value the multiple perspectives of others.

View calendar of Dance and Drama performances


Every student is engaged in a high quality arts education at every grade level and will make meaning of new ideas by applying artistic learning to new situations to become a creative, independent, and critical thinker.

The goal of the Fine Arts is to create artistically literate students who become actively engaged in the Fine Arts as a lifelong learner. Students develop artistic literacy through:

  • Creating
    • Generating, conceptualizing, and organizing, artistic ideas and work
    • Developing, refining, and completing artistic  works
  • Performing/Presenting
    • Selecting, analyzing, and interpreting artistic works for performance/presentation
    • Developing and refining artistic works 
    • Conveying meaning through the performance/presentation of artistic works
  • Responding
    • Perceiving and analyzing artistic works
    • Interpreting intent and meaning in artistic works
    • Applying criteria in evaluating artistic works
  • Connecting
    • Synthesizing and relating artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, historical, and personal context to deepen understanding. 

For Staff

Resources for Parents and Students

  • Superintendent's Committee for Performances in MCPS (SCPS)
  • 10 Lessons the Arts Teach by Elliot Eisner
  • Arts Edge-Kennedy Center
    Free digital resource for learning in, through, and about the arts
  • Glenstone Glenstone Museum regularly hosts middle and high school MCPS students, offering them tours of outdoor sculptures and current exhibitions. The visits encourage them to explore the connection between art, architecture, and nature through an inquiry-based approach. Glenstone Museum is committed to supporting students and teachers in our community. The museum provides bus transportation and substitute teacher reimbursement for all MCPS visits.

